- Home
- Events
- Staff
- Pastor: Pastor Roger and Donna Bennett
- Jr Church Director and Nursery Director: Laura Weller
- Family Minister - Pastoral Care Director: Angela King
- Deacon / Deaconess: Lee and LouAnne Stearns
- Deaconess: Ric and Evelyn Gabbert
- About Us
- Prayer
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- Sermons
- The Result of Resisting Praise: Part 5
- The Result of Resisting Praise: Part 5
- Praise Your Way Out - Part 4
- Praise Your Way Out - Part 4
- The Power of Praise Part 3
- Power of Praise Part 3
- The Power of Praise
- The Power of Praise
- The Deliverer - Part 3: Freedom
- The Deliverer - Part 3: Freedom
- The Deliverer Part 2 God Speaks
- The Deliverer Part 2: God Speaks
- The Deliverer - Part 1
- The Deliverer - Part 1
- Love
- Love
- Love
- Friends and Family - Joy
- Friends and Family - Joy
- Peace
- Peace
- Hope
- Hope
- Rescuing the Lost - Part 4: Punching Holes in the Darkness
- Rescuing the Lost - Part 4: Punching Holes in the Darkness
- Rescuing the Lost - Part 4: Everything Has Been Prepared
- Rescuing the Lost - Part 4: Everything has Been Prepared
- Rescuing the Lost Part 3: The Power of Compassion
- Rescuing the Lost Part 3: The Power of Compassion
- Rescuing the Lost Pt 2 What's Missing
- Rescuing the Lost Pt 2 What's Missing
- Rescuing the Lost Part 1
- Rescuing the Lost Part 1
- Trusting the Truth in Troubled Times - Part 4: God's Love
- Trusting the Truth in Troubled Times - Part 4: God's Love
- Trusting God in Troubled Times Part 3: Take Away the Stone
- Trusting God in Troubled Times Part 3: Take Away the Stone
- Trusting in the Truth in Troubled Times - Part 2
- Trusting in the Truth in Troubled Times - Part 2
- Trusting the Truth in Troubled Times
- Trusting the Truth in Troubled Times
- Trusting the Truth in Troubled Times
- The Blood of Jesus
- The Blood of Jesus
- A Living Witness
- A Living Witness
- Family Part 3: Church Family
- Family Part 3: Church Family
- Fighting for Your Family - Part 2
- Fighting for Your Family - Part 2
- Fighting for Your Family - Part 1
- Fighting for Your Family - Part 1
- Trusting God in Turbulent Times Part 4: Following God's Leading
- Trusting God in Turbulent Times Part 4: Following God's Leading
- Trusting God in Turbulent Times Part 3: Standing Firm
- Trusting God in Turbulent Times Part 3: Standing Firm
- How to Trust God in Turbulent Times: Part 2 - Knowing God's Voice
- How to Trust God in Turbulent Times: Part 2 - Knowing God's Voice
- How to Trust God in Turbulent Times
- How to Trust God in Turbulent Times
- God's Purpose in You - Part 4: Fear
- God's Purpose in You - Part 4: Fear
- God's Purpose in You Part 3: God Sends You Help
- God's Purpose in You Part 3: God Sends You Help
- God's Purpose in You - Part 2: The How and Why of God's Purpose Fulfilled
- God's Purpose in You - Part 2: The How and Why of God's Purpose Fulfilled
- God's Purpose in You - Dreams
- Freedom Part 3: Healing
- Freedom Part 3: Healing
- Freedom Part 2: Faith in God's Promises
- Freedom Part 2: Faith in God's Promises
- Freedom Part 1: Prison Clothes
- Freedom Part 1: Prison Clothes
- Miracles
- Miracles
- Miracles- The beginning
- Miracles The beginning
- Miracles The beginning
- Understanding the Will of God for His People
- Understanding the Will of God for His People
- The Miracle Mandate
- The Miracle Mandate
- Loaves and Fish
- Loaves and Fish
- Miracles of Jesus - Here's Mud in Your Eye
- Miracles of Jesus - Here's Mud in Your Eye
- Miracles of Jesus - Turning Water into Wine
- Miracles of Jesus - Turning Water into Wine
- Faith
- Faith
- Restored by Grace
- Restored by Grace
- The Cornerstone- Easter
- The Cornerstone- Easter
- He Stayed
- He Stayed
- Palm Sunday - Behold Your King
- Palm Sunday - Behold Your King
- The Cross of Christ Part 3: The Why
- The Cross of Christ Part 3: The Why
- The Cross of Christ: The Crown of Thorns
- The Cross of Christ: The Crown of Thorns
- The Cross of Christ - The Meaning, the Purpose, and the Power: Part 1
- The Cross of Christ - The Meaning, the Purpose, and the Power: Part 1
- The History of the Mystery & the Church: God's Eternal Purpose - Part 5
- The History of the Mystery & the Church: God's Eternal Purpose - Part 5
- The History of the Mystery: Where's Your Citizenship? - Part 4
- The History of the Mystery: Where's Your Citizenship? - Part 4
- The History of the Mystery Part 3
- The History of the Mystery - Part 3
- History of the Mystery: Zion - Part 2
- History of the Mystery: Zion - Part 2
- The History of the Mystery - Zion
- The History of the Mystery - Zion
- What Happens at the Well - Part 4: The Journey to Beersheba and Beyond
- What Happens at the Well - Part 4: The Journey to Beersheba and Beyond
- What Happens at the Well Part 3: Unity
- What Happens at the Well Part 3: Unity
- What Happens at the Well Part 2: Restoring the Life-Giving Flow
- What Happens at the Well Part 2: Restoring the Life-Giving Flow
- What Happens at the Well: Encounters with God
- What Happens at the Well: Encounters with God
- The Goodness of God: The Fullness of God's Love
- The Goodness of God: The Fullness of God's Love
- The Goodness of God: The Joy of the Lord
- The Goodness of God: The Joy of the Lord
- The Goodness of God: Peace
- The Goodness of God: Peace
- The Goodness of God: Hope
- The Goodness of God: Hope
- Empowered Living
- Empowered Living
- The God who speaks Pt 2 Only available in Video this week
- The God who speaks Part 2 : Truth or Consequences
- The God Who Speaks Part 1
- The God Who Speaks Part 1
- Overcoming the Adversary Part 4: God's Declaration, the Devil's Defeat
- Overcoming the Adversary Part 4: God's Declaration, the Devil's Defeat
- Overcoming the adversary Pt 3 The Devils Trap
- Overcoming the Adversary - Part 3: The Devil's Trap
- Overcoming the Adversary: Part 2
- Overcoming the Adversary Part 2: The Names and Nature of the Adversary and His Greatest Weakness
- Overcoming the Adversary: Part 1
- Overcoming the Adversary: Part 1
- The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer Part 4- Power
- The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer part 4 - Power
- The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer part 3 The Wilderness Experience and You
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer Part 3: The Wilderness Experience and You
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer: Part 2
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer part 2
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer: Part 1
- In the Garden - Angela King
- In the Garden
- The Church: The Purpose, the Power, and the Problems Part 6
- The Church, the Purpose, the Power, the Problems part 6
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems Part 5
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems Part 5
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems, Part 4
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems Part 4
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems, Part 3
- The Church: The Purpose, Power and Problems, Part 3: Problem Solved
- The Church: Part 2 - Purpose and How to Fulfill It
- The Church Part 2
- The Church Part 1
- The Church part 1
- Making Life Count part 3 forgiveness
- Making Life Count Part 3: Forgiveness
- The Words We Speak
- The Words We Speak
- Making Life Count Part 2
- Making Life Count Part 2: Faith Takes a Step
- Making Life Count Part 1
- Making Life Count Part 1
- Forgiven, Justified, Ransomed Part 5: The Most Important Thing
- Forgiven, Justified, and Ransomed Part 4: Led by the Spirit
- Forgiven Justified and Ransomed Part 3
- Forgiven Justified and Ransomed Part 3
- Forgiven, Justified, and Ransomed-Part 2 5/28/2023
- Forgiven, Justified and Ransomed Part 2
- Love Guatemala with Jeff & Toni
- Love Guatemala with Jeff & Toni
- Soil Testing—or How's Your Heart?
- Soil Testing—or How's Your Heart?
- Forgiven, Justified, and Ransomed Part 1
- Nehemiah
- Nehemiah
- Men and Women of the Bible Overcoming in trying Times - Elijah
- Men and women of the bible Overcoming in trying Times
- Men and Women of the Bible Overcomers in Trying Times: Elijah
- The Greatest Comeback
- The Greatest Comeback
- Palm Sunday
- Palm Sunday
- Men and Women of the Bible: Overcomers in Trying Times Part 2 (Shunammite Woman)
- Men and Women of the Bible: Overcomers in Trying Times Part 1
- Wise as a Serpent, Innocent as a Dove
- Revelations of Salvation Part 6: Feast of Tabernacles (Lights)
- Revelations of Salvation Part 5: Day of Atonement
- Revelations of Salvation Part 4
- Revelations of Salvation Part 3: Growing Up in Our Salvation
- Revelations of Salvation Part 2
- Revelations of Salvation Part 1
- Here's the Deal Part 4: This Is How It's Done
- Here's the Deal Part 3: What's in Your Hand?
- Here's the Deal Part 2: Enough Is Enough
- Here's the Deal Part 1
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- From the Desk of the Pastor